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Rag Doll by Leon Lee


Have you ever come across this film by Leon Lee? Released in 2001, it's received nine awards from major film festivals! Here's a synopsis of the 18 minute film:

"Amidst a deadly persecution, a determined orphan tries to bring her mother back to life through the power of art. Although Yingying’s mother was killed in a modern day persecution and the little girl is alone on the streets of Northern China, an enchanted art form could reunite them. Enter a child’s world, where hope and imagination are more powerful than police batons or state-sponsored violence, where noble determination conquers all."

The goal of the artists is to raise awareness for human rights and the official film website reflects that. If you'd like to take a look and learn more, you can do so by clicking here. What do you think of stop motion being used this way?



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